

Check out these answers to the most frequently-asked questions. Couldn't find an answer to your question still? Email us at

Q: What is the difference between the free and pro plans?

The free plan allows you to view and export public or shared entities (charts, lists, bands, and gigs). It also allows you to create your own lists and to transpose charts. The pro plan is paid, and it gives you full access to all ChordLanes features including the ability to add, edit and share entities, and import charts from different file formats. See our docs for more details.

Q: Do I have to be on the paid pro plan to get value from the service?

That's the $10/month question :) If your intention is to use ChordLanes to only view/export public and shared charts/lists and you don't need to add your your songs, then the free plan is all you need. The pro plan will be needed if you plan on creating/importing your songs, associating songs with bands and gigs, and share your entities with others. All users start with the free plan when they sign up, so take your time to evaluate the platform and upgrade to a pro plan when ready.

Q. Why do I have to provide my email?

For all registered users, we ask for your valid email to allow you to reset your password if needed and for us to be able to contact you about any account or content issues. For pro users, your email is also needed for payment processing.

Q. Do you sell my personal data?

No, we don't sell your personal data to anyone. If you are a pro user, our payment processor is the only third-party company where your email will be also used to set up and manage your payments. Your account credentials (username, email, password) are stored securely in our system. The entities you created (charts, lists, bands and gigs) are only visibile to others if you share them explicitly.

Q. Which of my entities can I share publicly?

You can freely share your lists, bands and gigs publicly if that's your wish - many users are happy to share their curated lists and some info about their bands and upcoming gigs. Chord charts, however, may have a legal angle you must consider. Original songs are often protected by copyright laws - both lyrics and chords. There is an ongoing heated debate whether publishing my own simplified (and often inaccurate...) written interpretation of someone else's song is considered a violation. When you elect to share a chart publicly, we will therefore ask you to confirm that it is copyright-free, or that you have a right to share it. If you see a shared chart that you believe is violating a copyright law, please notify us at and we will remove it as soon as possible.